Mistakes we make when it comes to sustainable fashion

Effie Liouta
3 min readOct 16, 2022

In this story, I am going to present you some of the biggest mistakes I have made so far in my journey to sustainable fashion!

As I was learning about the importance of sustainability and ethics in fashion I wanted to change my whole wardrobe immediately and never again support an unethical or unsustainable brand ever again!…and this was my first mistake!


I was only supporting fast fashion back then and I had a lot of pieces in my closet. Understanding the impact of those choices made me feel bad but wanting to replace them all could possibly lead to a bigger issue. For me, I wouldn't be able to afford to replace all my clothes with sustainable choices and for the environment, getting rid of all those clothes I already had would be a waste, and even if I donated them buying new ones would be overconsumption.

I realized that a little bit late on the game but better late than never. Now I use all the clothes I already have fast fashion or not, I wear them again and again, I fix them and only if needed do I buy new ones.

Can’t afford sustainable brands

That was true but the real issue was deeper. Sustainable brands are a bit pricier due to the better materials that are used and the quality of the product. The truth was that I could afford to buy one pair of jeans now, and a dress later. What I couldn’t afford was to buy as much as I would buy from a fast fashion brand for no reason. I asked myself do I need all this amount of clothing? With this “fast fashion brand name” skirt be in fashion in the next month or two? Is this going to last in time?

The fast fashion industry purposely leads us to overconsumption of things that won’t be wearable in the next months. We may think oh it’s just a dress and it's so cheap but the truth is that if you calculate the amount of money you spent on all those cheap clothes you will realize that you spend much more than what you would spend for two pieces from a sustainable brand. Now I choose quality over quantity.

Can’t find what I am looking for

Many times I was looking for something I couldn’t find in any sustainable brand or thrift store. But I was really in need of the product! What now?

Back at the time, I would feel guilty if buying anything fast fashion. Now if I have no other option I will explore my option in those brands too. If the item I need is something I know I am going to wear a lot of times and it is a conscious choice then there is not a problem!

At the end of the day, it is really sad but there is almost nothing any of us as individuals can do to change this world for the better. I am choosing sustainability for me first. Not for the environment not for other but because I want to know that the money I work hard to earn is going to someone who deserves them. I want to know that I did a good choice for my body and my health. I want to know that no one is working in bad conditions and underpaid for me to look good. At the end of the day, all you have to do is the best you can!



Effie Liouta

A person in love with life. UI/UX Designer. Slow and ethical living, sustainability.